Medjugorje Pilgrimage is a 6 days tour, that will take us to the site of the 1981 Marian Apparitions. On June 24, 1981 six children witnessed the Blessed Virgin Mary on what is now known as Apparition Hill. The apparition had a message of peace for the world, as well as a call to conversion, prayer and fasting. She appeared to them with an infant in their arms and confided ten secrets to the children.
In 2018 Pope Francis appointed Archbishop Henryk Hoser the “Apostolic Visitor” to Medjugorje and on May 13, 2019 the Holy See officially announced that Dioceses and Parishes throughout the world are now authorized to organize Pilgrimages to Medjugorje. To date, over 40 million people have visited this now popular Pilgrimage site.
Dubrovnik, Split or Sarajevo Airport
Medjugorje, Daily Mass in St. James Church, Climb Apparition Hill, the mountainous hill, the Blue Cross
6 Days
All year
Day 2 – Day 5, A spiritual journey through Medjugorje
During these 4 days, spend time in Medjugorje, including:
Daily Mass in St. James Church; Climb Apparition Hill, the mountainous hill where the visionaries first encountered Our Lady. At the base of this hill is a Blue Cross, where it is said Our Lady appeared to the children while they hid from the communist police in the early days of the alleged apparitions; Each evening at 5 PM or 6 PM (depending on daylight savings time), we will join the villagers and fellow pilgrims of Medjugorje in saying the Rosary, as all anxiously await the alleged arrival of Our Lady to the visionaries.
Depending on availability, we will arrange meetings with the visionaries at their homes.